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Creamy Tomato Soup With A Kick.



1 can of cherry tomatoes

1 can of cannellini beans

270g - 300g on the vine tomatoes

1 carrot

1 red onion

3 garlic cloves

1 red chilli 30g of chorizo

Sprig of fresh thyme

Salt and pepper

Olive oil 2 slices of sourdough bread


1. Preheat the oven to 200.C/fan 180/Gas 6. In a deep roasting tray add the tomatoes, garlic cloves crushed, chilli cut lengthways, sprigs of thyme. Drizzle with olive oil and season, and roast for 20 minutes.

2. Dice your carrots, red onion, and chorizo. In a pan sweat down your carrots and onion until they become soft and then add your chorizo and cook until it starts to crisp. Once the tomatoes are roasted, remove the vine of the tomatoes and the wood part of the thyme. Tip into this roasting pan your can of cherry tomatoes and add half your carrot, onion and chorizo mix, then blitz this in a food processor or with a hand blender until you have a smooth consistency. 3. Drain your cannellini beans and add this to your saucepan on the hob, cook until they have some colour. Add your soup mix to the saucepan and reheat if you need to. 4. Serve with homemade croutons. Make the croutons by dicing the bread into cubes, drizzle with olive oil sprigs of thyme and roast for 20 minutes until golden and crisp. Scatter over the soup.


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